
膝盖 软骨 受伤


Articular cartilage is a firm, rubbery tissue covering the ends of bones in joints, 比如膝盖和臀部. It reduces friction in the joint and provides shock absorption. 在膝盖处, 受损或恶化的软骨限制了关节的正常活动,并可引起明显的疼痛. 如果问题得不到治疗,情况可能会恶化,最终需要进行膝关节置换手术.

Our Approach to 膝盖 软骨 Injuries

UCSF offers world-class care for both simple and complex injuries. 修复和再生软骨的程序是选择,否则健康的膝盖受到伤害或某些疾病, although not for knees affected by osteoarthritis, 一种与衰老和其他因素有关的导致软骨破裂的状况.


  • 受伤 (what doctors call trauma), including sports injuries
  • Repetitive use of the joint
  • Congenital abnormalities (birth defects) that affect joint structure, such as osteochondritis dissecans
  • Hormonal or bone disorders that affect bone and joint development, such as vitamin D deficiency or avascular necrosis

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迹象 & 症状

If your knee cartilage is damaged, you may experience decreased range of motion, pain along the knee joint line (where the femur meets the tibia), 肿胀, 异常骨排列, 膝关节韧带或半月板(缓冲膝关节内外边缘的纤维软骨盘)的相关损伤. 也, 你可能会感觉到膝盖内的咔哒声或磨碎声,或者经历关节锁住或让开的情况.


软骨 injuries can be difficult to diagnose, and while your doctor will start with a physical exam, evaluation with imaging may be necessary. This will include MRI and possibly X-rays. 加州大学旧金山分校健康 is a leader in using MRI to evaluate these injuries, allowing us to obtain valuable, 关于软骨损伤的严重程度和位置的精确信息. 我们也在后续护理中使用MRI来评估每位患者的治疗成功.


大多数膝关节手术都是通过关节镜(用于关节的内窥镜)进行的微创手术。. 你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜会在关节周围做一个小切口,并用细长的器械进行手术, including a tiny camera that provides a view inside the area. 在一般情况下, 与开放(传统)手术相比,关节镜手术的恢复速度更快,痛苦更少. 然而, some procedures do require larger, 开放切口, so that the surgeon can have more access to the area.


微裂缝:  The surface layer of the bone, called the subchondral bone, is hard and has limited blood flow, 所以这项技术在骨头上制造小孔,以允许更大的流量. 血液中含有骨髓细胞,骨髓细胞刺激软骨生长并形成纤维软骨, which covers the injured area. Following this arthroscopic procedure, patients must strictly follow the post-op protocol, 包括使用拐杖和连续被动运动(CPM)机, which gently flexes and extends the knee.

Cell-based cartilage resurfacing:  Matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation, 或》, is a cell-based cartilage resurfacing procedure. 对于这个过程, some of the patient's cartilage cells are harvested, grown and re-implanted into the area that has damaged cartilage.

The technique requires two operations. 在第一个, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜通过关节镜从膝关节不能承受重量的部位取出软骨细胞. 然后,这些细胞在实验室中繁殖,并植入支架(促进组织生长的材料)上。, which will be placed inside the knee. 在第二次手术中,做一个切口以暴露有缺陷的软骨. 一个一类, which makes implantation quick and easy, is used to glue the cartilage scaffold onto the knee bones. 几个月后,新的软骨成熟并与现有的软骨结合.

Osteochondral autograft transplantation (mosaicplasty):  This technique involves transferring healthy cartilage tissue, 叫做嫁接, from one part of the knee to the damaged area. The graft is taken as a "plug" of cartilage and underlying bone, and generally harvested from an area that bears minimal weight. A single plug, or multiple plugs, may be transferred. Usually performed in open (traditional) surgery, this procedure can sometimes be done arthroscopically.

骨软骨同种异体移植物:  If a cartilage defect is too large to be treated by an autograft, an osteochondral allograft may be required. 软骨取自尸体供体,经过消毒,准备植入. 它可以被塑形以适应病人软骨缺损的确切轮廓. This is an open (traditional) surgery rather than an arthroscopic one.

半月板移植: 该手术推荐给半月板大部分丢失或切除的患者. The meniscus provides cushioning and stability to the knee. 从尸体捐献者身上移植半月板可以恢复膝盖的这些功能. 通过一个小切口, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜可以在关节镜下将尸体半月板缝合到病人的膝盖上.


大多数软骨修复手术后,患者需要拄拐杖6到8周. Some patients will need to use a CPM machine. 严格遵守术后协议对于从这些程序中获得良好的结果至关重要. A full recovery takes several months.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

在哪里获得护理 (4)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • When can I shower after surgery?

      在你第一次术后检查之前,你应该保持敷料和膝盖干燥. 在那之后, you'll likely be cleared to shower, 但在伤口完全愈合之前(通常是手术后三到四周),不要将膝盖浸入浴缸或游泳池中。.

    • When will I have a follow-up appointment?

      手术后一到两周你会去看十大赌博平台排行榜,做膝盖检查和拆线. 通常,外科十大赌博平台排行榜的实践协调员会在你手术前安排这个预约.

    • When should I start physical therapy?

      你应该在手术后尽快开始,一般在最初的一到两周内. 许多患者在第一次术后预约后就进行了第一次会议.

    • How long will I be on crutches?

      最有可能的, you'll use crutches for six to eight weeks after surgery, 这取决于你做过的手术以及其他修复过的结构.

    • Are cold therapy machines best for pain relief?

      You can use a number of icing methods, 比如在绷带上放一个普通的冰袋或一包冷冻蔬菜. Cold therapy units recirculate ice water through a pad over your knee. They're effective yet somewhat expensive. 它们可以在网上、医疗用品商店或我们的矫形器和假肢中心购买.

    • When can I return to school or work after knee cartilage surgery?

      大多数患者在手术后5到7天就可以回到学校或办公桌前工作. 如果你能够在家工作,你最初的恢复期可能会更容易. For a physically demanding job, 在重返工作岗位之前,你需要更多的时间来安全康复和体检.

    • When can I drive after knee cartilage surgery?

      That depends on which leg had surgery. If it was your left knee and you drive an automatic car, 一旦你不再服用麻醉止痛药,感觉有能力安全驾驶,你就可以开车了. If you had surgery on your right knee, you may need to wait as long as six weeks before driving; your surgeon can advise you.



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