A pacemaker is a small device implanted in the chest to help control your heartbeat. 这是在心跳过快时使用的, 因心脏病发作而缓慢或不规律的, heart failure or another problem that has damaged the heart's natural electrical system. A pacemaker mimics that system by sending out painless electrical signals that stimulate heart muscle contraction – the first part of the heart's pumping action. 装有起搏器可以缓解头晕, fainting episodes and shortness of breath caused by a slow or unsteady heartbeat.

起搏器由电池供电. 大多数由两部分组成:脉冲发生器, a small metal container about the size of a matchbox that contains the battery and electronics, 还有引线, 传导电信号的细导线. Most pacemakers are placed under the skin of the chest and connected to the heart through the leads. 但也有无导线起搏器, which are placed directly in the heart through a minimally invasive procedure.

心脏起搏器通常作为一种永久性治疗植入. But they're sometimes used as a temporary measure to stabilize heart rhythms in people recovering from a heart attack, heart surgery or a medication overdose that slowed their heart rate.