凯利·布朗57岁时开始抱怨经常头痛. “一定是鼻窦感染了,”她的儿子康纳·费里斯(Connor Ferris)回忆她说. 但在意大利的一次家庭度假让他怀疑有更险恶的原因. "She wasn't her usual go-go-go self," he said of his mother, a flight attendant, former nurse and single mom to three young adults. "My mother was an intrepid traveler, but on this trip, she was constantly tired and preferred to stay at the hotel. At a restaurant, she fell asleep – that wasn't my mom."

Back home in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Brown sought medical advice. An MRI revealed glioblastoma, the most common and deadly brain tumor, with an average survival of just 15 months. 治疗包括尽可能安全地切除肿瘤, followed by radiation and chemotherapy, with the tumor expected to recur months later.

虽然有更近的十大赌博平台排行榜,但布朗选择在排名第一的加州大学旧金山分校医疗中心接受治疗. 2 in the nation for neurology and neurosurgery by U.S. 新闻与十大赌博平台排行榜报道的最佳十大赌博平台排行榜调查和超过25个最先进的研究实验室致力于开发脑肿瘤的新疗法.

A new diagnosis and a clinical trial

After her initial treatment, Brown did surprisingly well. It wasn't until four years later that her tumor recurred. By then, 加州大学旧金山分校脑肿瘤中心开发了两种新工具,比在显微镜下对细胞进行标准扫描和检查提供更精确的诊断. 这两种分子工具现在都适用于所有可能患有恶性脑肿瘤的UCSF患者.

The first, UCSF500, 一项评估500种癌症相关基因的测试是否可能在患者的肿瘤组织中发生突变. 这些突变包括可以用已经获得美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准或正在进行临床试验的靶向治疗来攻击的突变, said Dr. David A. Solomon他是加州大学旧金山分校脑肿瘤中心的分子神经病理学家和首席研究员.

The second tool, known as DNA methylation profiling, 评估癌细胞DNA上所谓的“甲基标记”,这些标记调节与癌症生长有关的基因的活性. 这些甲基标记在基因组中的模式为所罗门提供了癌症起源的关键线索, the genes that fuel growth and its potential to spread. 该测试还提供了额外的信息,使十大赌博平台排行榜能够达到最精确的诊断,并获得个性化治疗的额外见解. 研究表明,该工具是最准确的脑肿瘤分类方法,在多达1 / 8的病例中可以改变病理学家的诊断.

For Brown, 这些分子测试——使用的是她癌症复发后手术中提取的组织——显示出肿瘤根本不是胶质母细胞瘤,而是一种预后较好的不同类型的肿瘤. Better yet, 布朗的肿瘤与一种正在进行临床试验的靶向治疗相匹配, in which she would eventually enroll.